TPSC Officers and Committee Heads
- Commodore: Ronald Petzoldt
- Vice Commodore: Maynard Herting
- Treasurer: Vlad Nicolayeff
- Secretary: David Benson
- Director at Large: Fred McDougal
- Director at Large: Ed Bowles
- Director at Large: Greg Herbster
- Past Commodore: Steve Brown
- Chief of Racing: Fred MacDougall
- Chief of Instruction: Fred MacDougall
- Classroom Instructor: Pete Politzer
- Water Instruction Coordinator: Vlad Nicolayeff
- Maintenance Chairman: Greg Herbster and Co-Chair Jeff Warren
- Maintenance Committee: Martin Brickson
- Maintenance Committee: Erich Hoffman
- Social Chairman: Lorie Long and Kristen Lang
- Membership Chairman: Vlad Nicolayeff
- Reservations Chairman: Dan Kellman
- Website Manager: Ronald Petzoldt
Boat Captains
- Catalina-30: Ed Bowles
- Sea Avenger: Maynard Herting and Will Rintamaki
- Newport: Steve Dohrman
- Paper Pusher 47: Open
- 639: Mike Hoppe
- 640: Pauline Ng
- 641: Chip Yang